
Project Brief

The project titled NEMO (New Economic Model for the Oceans) seeks to work across different continents investigating a range of themes covering environmental impact, human impact on the ocean ecosystem, loss of marine habitat, plastics in our oceans, new ocean economies and environmental sustainability.

Theme - Through the Ocean i.e, exploring design outputs through direct action within or for the ocean.


Cui-Lyn Huang, Haochen Zhang, Yuehui Sun, Alexandra De Souza E Souza, Nirmal Thomas

My Contributions


By the mid-20th century, countries around the world worked to build their fishing capacities to ensure the availability and affordability of protein-rich foods. Favorable policies, loans, and subsidies spawned a rapid rise of big industrial fishing operations, which quickly supplanted local fishers as the world's main source of seafood.

These large, profit-seeking commercial fleets were aggressive, scouring the world's oceans and developing ever more sophisticated methods and technologies for finding, extracting, and processing their target species. Scientists have long been sounding the alarm about a looming catastrophe of ocean over-fishing—the harvesting of wildlife from the sea at rates too high for species to replace themselves. Yet for two decades, global leaders have been at an impasse in their efforts to reverse the damage that has already been done.


One of the reasons for over-fishing is the lack of data on the actual demand. Poseidon is a real-time data visualization app that collects data on the demand for types of fish and volume required. The platform will be used by end consumers, fish stalls, fish markets, independent fishermen as well as industrial fishing vessels. This reduces the supply-demand gap and allows the fishermen to catch fish according to the actual demand.

Group 66 Final - Portfolio.mp4




Portfolio4 - Copy.png




Let’s Connect

I like talking about Art, Design and Engineering and anything that delves me into a deep abyss of thoughts and ideas.

I am available for works that challenge me. Let’s catch up!

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