
Project Brief

Uni-Mind was the centrepiece of my individual journey through the first year of my masters programme. I had the opportunity to explore an area of interest of my choice. The concept of Collective Intelligence (C.I) was something that was intriguing to me and through my exploration & experiments, I found an exciting opportunity to utilise the power of CI and how it could be implemented within my university.

Grad Show Final.mp4


There are over 164 universities in the UK having around 2.6 million students. Around 200,000 research papers are published every year. But only 30-40% of this research is being converted to innovations due to an information gap or because people struggle to collaborate failing to turn this research into practice.


Introducing Uni-Mind, an AI-backed application platform that lets students, tutors, researchers, and individuals within a university collaborate more effectively. To put it simply, its a localized LinkedIn for universities but what makes Uni-Mind different is that instead of just connecting to different people and initiating conversations, on Uni-Mind you can post your request/project and the application automatically matches you to the best person available with the right skills and information based on their profile data. The collaboration is further facilitated by gamification of the whole process. After each collaboration, the individuals involved will receive tokens called uni-points that could be exchanged for goodies and discounted food from business partners like union shops, food cafes, etc. This gives an incentive for the users to further be involved in such collaborations.






Let’s Connect

I like talking about Art, Design and Engineering and anything that delves me into a deep abyss of thoughts and ideas.

I am available for works that challenge me. Let’s catch up!

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